Handy Resources

A bunch of links to useful resources of various different types.

They're split into three sections:

  • conferences/research, which can help keep up-to-date with the latest advances in football analytics
  • guides/courses, helping to get started with football analytics yourself (not an exhaustive list, but if it was it'd take all day to read it)
  • tools: coding packages and online applications to

Conferences/research-related links:


  • 'Friends of Tracking' YouTube series
  • Includes creating shot maps, pass maps, heat maps, expected goals model, pitch control model
  • Github repository for the course is here
  • FC RStats tutorials
  • Cover basics, data visualisation, and scraping data
  • Open StatsBomb data tutorials using R - article link here, and another PDF helper sheet is linked in the article
  • Covers some basics of loading StatsBomb's open data and basics of R, using the StatsBomb data
  • FC Python web scraping tutorials
  • Training Ground Guru Tableau Masterclass, by Tom Goodall [£9.99]


  • Directory of useful sport-specific coding packages (predominantly in R and Python)